Doc Dull's Podiatry

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The First Step is Always the Hardest (Someone With Plantar Fasciitis Would Likely Agree)

You get out of bed in the morning and sharp pain jolts through your heel area. Or maybe you work on your feet and the pain is constant at the end of the day? You might be suffering from Plantar Fasciitis. Funny name, serious pain.

Fear not, fine footed friends, Plantar Fasciitis is a pretty normal issue.

Here are a few common at home treatments that may provide some relief:

  • OTC pain medicine, like ibuprofen or aspirin.

  • Give yourself a week off (if possible) from the sport or whatever activity might be causing the pain.

  • Wear orthotics (yes, Doc Dull does make tailor made ones, as you are likely aware).

  • Wear supportive shoes.

  • Stretch!

  • Icing (not the kind for cake) - 10-15 minutes, twice a day, with some massage, as well.

To prevent Plantar Fasciitis, try these steps:

  • Stretch before and after exercise.

  • Give your feet a rest.

  • Don’t walk around barefoot on hard surfaces.

  • Wear supportive shoes.

If you’re experiencing pain that lasts more than a week in a row, give Doc Dull a call at 330-759-0904 and let’s get you back on your feet!